With Thames Water on the brink of collapse and sewage scandals breaking across all parts of the UK, serious intervention was needed from the new government. And that’s exactly what we’ve seen from Steve Reed, the new Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
New research released today reveals that over three quarters of the UK public (76%) believe that, more than ever before, the law needs to change to give businesses a legal responsibility to prioritise people and the planet alongside making a profit.
What if every business in the UK was purpose-driven?
In partnership with leading think tank @Demos, B Lab UK has launched The Purpose Dividend — an exploration into the potential for purpose-led business to drive the UK’s economic recovery.
This year we’re opening the eyes of MPs, policy-makers, business leaders and the public with a two-week campaign — Wake Up to Better Business.
As the cost of living crisis unfolds, the UK’s businesses will experience it in different ways but all face urgent decisions about how to respond. The Better Business Act and B Lab UK have produced a short guide showcasing some amazing examples of businesses taking innovative approaches to support workers and communities.
October, 2022
Better Business Act campaigners urge UK parliament to halt relentless pursuit of shareholder profits
Pioneers Post, April 2022
Britain needs business at its best
2,800 companies have chosen to be part of the coalition for a cleaner, greener, fairer future for all.